A Woman on the Beach

Moving Poster Design

Independent Work
Poster Design
Motion Graphics

A “Moving Poster” is another term to describe an animated poster. In this project, I used the 1997 Korean song, “해변의 여인 (Woman On the Beach)”, and designed a compostion based on the music and lyrics of the song. Experimenting with digital and physical form-making and digital and physical animation techniques, this poster acts as a visual interpretation of the song, maintaining it’s liveliness and joy.

︎ Link to full video

The beginning portion of the song is very calm and reminiscent of a sunset, which I use as imagery in the beginning to translate into my final poster design. With the music, I utilize the surprise element of the song and transition into a fun composition.
Further Exploration: Screen-Printed Posters

To expand beyond the colors limited to a CYMK print, I decided to print this design with screen printing ink to utilize more vibrant colors that are unattainable through digital printing. By separating the posters colors into CMYK, I was able to achieve more vibrancy than before. With a physical print, texture was also added to enhance the fun nature of the song and design.